Remember, remember…prepare your pets for the 5th of November

Nowadays, Bonfire Night celebrations seem to go on for days and although fun for us, it’s not so much fun for our pets.

Our pets can get very scared of the loud noises and flashes that come with fireworks, whether they are dogs, cats, birds, rabbits or guinea pigs.

Advanced planning can make a real difference and help to minimise the stress on your pets.

Don’t forget fireworks aren’t just used on the 5th November these days, but can go on over a number of nights, and some people have started to use them as part of birthday and New Year celebrations too!

So here are a few ideas to help make fireworks a bit less stressful for your pet and a bit more enjoyable for you.



If your parrot is kept indoors, keep the doors and windows closed and close the curtains. This will help to deafen the sound.

This is good advice for all indoor pets really and not just parrots.

Reassure your pet bird by talking to them. Stay calm because if you are nervous they will pick up on this and may become more nervous themselves.

Covering their cage isn’t necessary, unless it’s part of your bird’s normal routine.

Remember, parrots can easily pick up on your anxiety and this in turn will affect them.

Try playing your parrot’s favourite music or turn the television on to help drown out the noise from the fireworks.

Parrots love music, and the familiarity of the sound will help soothe them. It’s the sudden unexpected noise that they really hate.

If your parrot often becomes very distressed, then it may be an idea to consult your vet and they may be able to provide further advice on what you can do.


General Advice

If you are planning your own bonfire, leave making it until the last minute, so that wild animals looking for somewhere warm don’t hide in there.

Always check for animals such as hedgehogs that are busy looking for lovely leafy nests to hide away in for the winter.

It’s also important to clean up after yourself so pick up any rubbish after your fireworks party, as the wrappings and plastic can be dangerous to both pets and wild animals.

As well as Bonfire Night, there’s also Halloween that is fast approaching and trick or treating could be a shock to your pet too.

Children arriving dressed in unusual costumes and making all sorts of odd noises could be pretty scary, so make sure you move your pets into a different room away from the front door.